
Birds And Summer Flowers Inspire Bird Valley Collection..

Posted on September 20th, 2016 06:15 PM
Birds And Summer Flowers Inspire Bird Valley Collection..

New Cushions Arrival - Bird Valley Collection

Walking through a tall wild forest that opens out to a stunning view with access to the tidal river. Beautiful and tranquil gardens set on the either side of river. Water lily ponds, natural wetlands, old trees are a delight all year round. Native and exotic birds both flying free range. Summer Phlox ruled the flower kingdom and forged their way to the most prominent place in the floral world.

Decorative Cushions from Bird Valley Collection

Huge billows of bloom in early summer. Nearly every shade of pink, lavender, salmon and purple in between.
Thriving in full northern Indian sun, friends of peacocks, exotic pheasants and doves that roam the grounds. 

Welcome Gulmohar Lane's flocks of finches and summer flowers into your home.


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